It felt like -10 degrees today. So horrible.
That said, we hung out inside all day. Wondering what to do with your toddler inside all day when you didn’t plan anything? Keep reading to find out!
- Fill bins and buckets with items to be dumped out
- Watch Ms. Rachel
- Put some random kitchen and bathroom items around the living room to be explored
- Cry a little
- Give lots of snacks
- Watch Ms. Rachel again
- Pick up your clingy baby 100000 times
- Watch Ms. Rachel even more
- Cry more
For real though, Ms. Rachel was on for most of the day. Not proud of that, but hey, it happens. This is Jack’s current favorite of her videos:
I want to be that type of mom who prepares and plans ahead for indoor activities but I’m just not. Hopefully I’ll get there eventually. And hey, maybe this blog will help me do just that.
It felt like we were changing things up every 10 minutes today. We visited every room in our house and climbed up and down the stairs several times. As soon as I cleaned something up, the next thing was already a mess.
Well, hopefully this post makes you feel better about any rough days you have with your kids. They can’t all be perfect days and that’s okay lmao.