How to Stay Connected

Hello! I know I’m not the only one who can feel like their relationship is like a rollercoaster! Sooo many ups and downs (hopefully more ups!).

Below are some of my favorite tips to keep your connection strong.

Communication is Key (but seriously, ditch the textbook)

Yeah, yeah, we all know communication is important, but don’t stress about it too much. Just chat with your partner! Tell them your day sucked, you’re obsessed with that new show everyone’s talking about, or how much you appreciate them making dinner.

The point is to stay connected, even if it’s just about the mundane stuff.

Date Nights Don’t Have to Be Expensive

We aren’t able to go on dates like we used to. Now we’d have to find a babysitter, pay that babysitter, go out somewhere to spend money on food, drinks, and activities. It adds up fast.

We started having weekly at-home date nights and it’s been SO refreshing. We love being able to spend intentional time together. Try it!

Your Partner is Weird (and you probably are too)

Honestly, one of the things I love about Alex most is how weird he is lmao. Those quirks and goofy habits are what make him him.

We embrace our weirdness and can find so much joy in little moments.


We all mess up. My husband and I apologize to each other several times a day. Sometimes for little bumps and pokes, sometimes for more serious things.

Stepping on each other’s toes is pretty much inevitable, especially after kids. But a sincere apology goes a long way. It shows you care and helps keep that connection strong.

Hug it Out

Forget expensive gifts, sometimes all you need is a good squeeze. Cuddle on the couch, hug it out after a long day, or just give each other a quick squeeze in passing. Sometimes after a hectic day, all I need is a long hug. Did you know that it’s recommended that we each get at least 4 hugs a day?! We all should be hugging more.

We’re All in This Together

Marriage is a journey, and you and your partner are the co-captains. There will be bumps along the way, but as long as you approach them with love, understanding, and maybe a good dose of humor, you’ll get through it together.

Share your favorite connection tip below!

P.S. Totally feel free to vent or ask questions too, there’s no judgement here!

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