Book Two of The Stormlight Archive

This book focuses on Shallan and her backstory. After learning more about her life, my heart absolutely breaks for her. However, she develops into such an amazing woman, such a cool transformation.
I loved seeing what happens to Kaladin and the rest of Bridge Four. We also learn more about the Parshendi in this book and my mind was blown! Sanderson created some super interesting characters.
It was fun to read about Shallan and Adolin meeting and their betrothal. Adolin seems like there is a lot more to him than the book lets on. I hope his character has some great development.
The ending of this book is a huge cliffhanger. My jaw dropped when *someone* was killed. Gosh, so much happens I can’t even write close to it all.
Overall, loved this book and cannot wait to keep reading!